

Nisa' Pemburu Syahid

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Friday, 7 October 2011

Favourite quote!!!


MasyaAllah sekian lama sungguh ana meninggalkan blog ni.......Alhamdulillah Allah telah permudahkan segala urusan dan akhirnya dpt juga berblog semula....ana x tau berblog sebenarnya...sampai kdg2 terfikir utk berhenti dri berblogging...tpi2 bila teringat balik tujuan sebenar utk berblog ni timbul semula auranya.....ana nk share satu quotation ni...mcm best ja...ana dpt dri facebook Bro Kamarudin....

The university today does not teach people how to think. The students come to university to make money. I always said to my students if you want to be rich don't come to university. The rich Chinese are mostly uneducated. To be rich you are not obliged to be highly educated. You can just pick one spot in KL and start selling Nasi Lemak and trust me your earning will be higher than university's Professor. People come to university in order to be a complete human being, not about making money. When I correct SPM history papers most of the time I will be correcting my own answer schemes. Our education system does not produce human but robots."- Prof Khoo Kay Kim.

tujuan quote ni bukan utk memperlekehkan sistem pendidikan kat negara kita sekarang tpi apa yg dinyatakan mmg btul....yg paling ana suka sekali..."Our education system does not produce human but robots" la semua pelajar mcm robot duk belajar2 semata utk lulus periksa..klau fail mcm hancur trus hidup ...mcm robotla...Robot yg dah siap akan ditest kalau tidak penuhi piawai robot tu x diguna pkai lg dah....bila mcm ni...x dak dlam hati seorg insan khususnya pelajar ,belajar utk mendapatkan ilmu Allah yg luas,utk memanfaatkan ilmu utk pembangunan ummah ke....yg ada cuma aku nk lulus semua exam yg ditetapkan pastu kluar universiti then truskan hidup mcm robot......fikir2kan....tidak mampu ana nk hurai panjang2....

perindu syahid,

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Favourite quote!!!


MasyaAllah sekian lama sungguh ana meninggalkan blog ni.......Alhamdulillah Allah telah permudahkan segala urusan dan akhirnya dpt juga berblog semula....ana x tau berblog sebenarnya...sampai kdg2 terfikir utk berhenti dri berblogging...tpi2 bila teringat balik tujuan sebenar utk berblog ni timbul semula auranya.....ana nk share satu quotation ni...mcm best ja...ana dpt dri facebook Bro Kamarudin....

The university today does not teach people how to think. The students come to university to make money. I always said to my students if you want to be rich don't come to university. The rich Chinese are mostly uneducated. To be rich you are not obliged to be highly educated. You can just pick one spot in KL and start selling Nasi Lemak and trust me your earning will be higher than university's Professor. People come to university in order to be a complete human being, not about making money. When I correct SPM history papers most of the time I will be correcting my own answer schemes. Our education system does not produce human but robots."- Prof Khoo Kay Kim.

tujuan quote ni bukan utk memperlekehkan sistem pendidikan kat negara kita sekarang tpi apa yg dinyatakan mmg btul....yg paling ana suka sekali..."Our education system does not produce human but robots" la semua pelajar mcm robot duk belajar2 semata utk lulus periksa..klau fail mcm hancur trus hidup ...mcm robotla...Robot yg dah siap akan ditest kalau tidak penuhi piawai robot tu x diguna pkai lg dah....bila mcm ni...x dak dlam hati seorg insan khususnya pelajar ,belajar utk mendapatkan ilmu Allah yg luas,utk memanfaatkan ilmu utk pembangunan ummah ke....yg ada cuma aku nk lulus semua exam yg ditetapkan pastu kluar universiti then truskan hidup mcm robot......fikir2kan....tidak mampu ana nk hurai panjang2....

perindu syahid,

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